
It’s been a year since we started swimming here in Lalaso. It’s one of Jenson’s favorite classes to go to. Especially with all the extremely patient teachers and staff members, sometimes we even come twice a week. No kidding but that’s how much he loves it here. Just today we went to the park across Lalaso, he said himself that he wanted to go swimming without me even mentioning that we are around the area.

2021 September, Jenson started out loving diving, smiling under the water, incredibly relaxed while floating on his back and the most splashing the water. But somehow he began to have his own mindset and started his rebelling stage, he said no no to everything and would even be mad before entering the facility. But our favorite teacher Ivy encouraged me not to give up saying it’s just a stage and just to give him more time, during his regression Ivy kept pushing Jenson by bringing more fun and enthusiasm into our lesson. Today, Jenson could kick under water and even while floating on his back. He is now the fire hydrant in class, splashing everyone with water as soon as he gets into the pool. I am so grateful for the support and patience of the teachers despite my weakness in following their instructions. Nonetheless, their facility is also amazing, we never stopped coming here even in winter time. They have the warmest pool and the coziest changing area, what makes me want to stay longer inside than leaving the building.

We have achieved so much, by 19 Months Jenson could take a shower on his own with running water on his head, my favorite is the relationship and rapport we built together during each and every swimming lesson.

Lalaso is the best, a must visit facility if you’re raising your children in Taichung!


從2021 年九月佑恩開始,佑恩其實就很愛玩水,每一個項目都難不倒他。他熱愛潛水,很快的在水裡就能把眼睛睜開,仰漂的時候還能夠很放鬆的躺在我的肩膀上。但過了不久,佑恩開始有自己的主見時 學會了硬舌硬嘴。就是開始說 no no 的時期,一進場就開始哭,不跳水,不潛水,不仰漂。弄得我更加緊繃。但還好有小愛老師在,無時無刻都在提醒和支持我這只是一個時期,在課堂上更加的讓佑恩感到放鬆和有趣才能有今天的佑恩!現在佑恩在潛水時可以踢踢踢,仰漂時也可以踢踢踢,甚至還會翻身說還要繼續仰漂。不僅如此,也開始挑戰自己站著跳水了。媽咪最棒的收穫就是在1歲7個月大的佑恩可以自己站在蓮蓬頭自己沖澡了。


剛嫁來台中不久的我,在台中誤打誤撞。很多事情真的是從失敗中學習。中文又有點缺失的我,真的蠻常不是大家聽不懂我的意思或是對各位的中文理解需要努力。 但我真的很感謝 Maggie & 小愛老師對我們如此的親切和耐心的關心我們。

除此之外,拉拉手的設施真的是很用心的規劃。我們冬天從來沒缺席過,反而在水裡更舒服,上岸時地板和環境暖呼呼的根本都不想離開了。印象最深的是,CC 老師每次在我們上岸時都會關心我們會不會冷,她的一句問候已經夠暖心了。
