
To gain interest in an exercise or sport and willing to put time and effort in it every single day/week, takes a lot of determination. Or it must simply be so fun that you never get tired of it and always eager to go.




Ryder was never afraid of water since he was a baby. Thanks to our nanny who used to take him to the swimming pool back at the apt where we stayed when he was around a year old. However, after we moved to a house that has no swimming pool, he’d always dive into the bathtub and holding his breath naturally pretend swimming. We never really stresses him to swim with proper instructions like how to gush air through nostril or arms stroke straightly… We only cared that he had fun and make sure he is safe in the water.

When returning to Taiwan we were very lucky to searched upon a new swimming facility called Lalaso that was trying to open under the unprecedent hit of covid and as I still remember clearly it was on a typhoon day, so we were the only visitors there during the time we visited. The environment is so clean with heated indoor swimming pool and floors that you don’t have to worry about the weather to decide if able to swim.

I then came to understand this is a swim academy that teaches you how to self-rescue. The instructors there were very professional in explaining to me what self-rescue swimming is. In general, it’s a lifesaving skill taught from young. Ryder went through practices and successfully received his self-rescue exam qualification under fully clothed with no goggles. He’s been attending self- rescue swimming classes over 2 years now in Lalaso, he have greatly learned so many skills and improved so much.

Now if you ask him how it feels to be under water and if it’s scary to go to deeper side of the swimming pool, he’ll reply: “why be scared? If you can touch the floor, then it’s not fun anymore.” I personally admire how he can naturally flood his body with happiness in the pool. Because he’s getting so good at it, it also pushes us as parents to hit the swimming pool once a week to keep working on our swimming muscles.

Never underestimate your kids, unleash the power and endlessly learning together!


此外, 他能輕鬆的游玩25公尺泳池後,說他下次要挑戰50公尺時也打擊到媽媽自信,媽媽也重新開始努力學自由式。在拉拉手學游泳讓Ryder的自信心很加分。老師的細心,耐心教導讓他進步的很快。對他來説玩水就是快樂的事, 所以不管是補課時面對不同老師或同學, 這小小的新環境都讓他更適應社交日常。